Introducing Ekome
About H.F.A.C.-Creative Greece
Who we are: Establishment and mission
Hellenic Film and Audiovisual Center S.A.-Creative Greece
The Hellenic Film and Audiovisual Center S.A.-Creative Greece (H.F.A.C.-Creative Greece) was established by Law 5105/2024 with the merger of the Greek Film Centre and the National Centre for Audiovisual Media and Communication (EKOME). The Company’s headquarters are in Athens.
It is a société anonyme under the Ministry of Culture. The Company is governed by the provisions of Law 5105/2024, Law 4972/2022 (Government Gazette A’ 181), Law 4548/2018 (Government Gazette A’ 114) and its Articles of Association. The Company belongs to the organizations and enterprises of the public sector as defined in. (a) para. 1 of article 14 of Law 4270/2014 (A’ 143).
The governing bodies of H.F.A.C.-Creative Greece are the Board of Directors (seven members) and the CEO, who are appointed by the General Assembly for a four-year term that may be renewed.
The following Directorates General are organized and operate in H.F.A.C.-Creative Greece: a) General Directorate of Cinema, b) General Directorate of Audiovisual Media, Technology and Creation, c) General Directorate of Financial and Administrative Support.
H.F.A.C.-Creative Greece is the main body exercising the country’s film policy and audiovisual policy.
The mission of H.F.A.C.-Creative Greece is: (a) to develop, strengthen and protect the Greek cinematographic, audiovisual and creative sector in general and to promote it internationally, (b) to support domestic and attract foreign investments in the film / audiovisual sector, as well as in the cultural and creative sector in general, (c) to support the integration of new digital technologies and innovations in the audiovisual industry and the use of modern digital means for the promotion of the country’s cultural and creative sectors, as well as the promotion and support of research in these fields, (d) the organization and operation of the National Digital Repository of Audiovisual Works and the Innovation and Technology Hub for the Creative and Audiovisual Sector (Creative Hub GR), as well as other structures and programs for the support, networking and extroversion of these sectors, (e) to contribute to the fight against piracy, online, technological or otherwise, in the film, audiovisual and creative sectors of the country in cooperation with co-competent bodies, (f) the design and implementation of education and training programs for the audiovisual sector and the promotion of audiovisual education in accordance with technological developments, (g) the support of the Government in the design of the policy for the film, audiovisual and creative industries of the country and its general support and promotion in Greece and abroad.
ΙΙ. Legal Framework
Law 5105 GG A 61/29.4.2024: Creative Greece: support for the film, audiovisual and creative sector, establishment of a body for books and other provisions for modern culture.
Law 3905 GG A 219/23.12.2010: Reinforcement and development of cinematographic art and other provisions.
Company Operating Regulation
Creative Greece in a nutshell:
€ 50,000,000 annually
available for Cash Rebate in Greece
strategic areas
of activities
Cash Rebate
Tax Relief

Investment incentives: Cash Rebate, Tax Relief
The implementation of Law 4487/2017 was a decisive step towards attracting investment through the production of films, television series, documentaries, animation, and digital games in Greece.
Since September 2018 (Law 4563/2018) until recently, the rebate amounted to 35% on the eligible expenses incurred in Greece. The updated legislation (Law 4704/2020) raises the cash rebate to 40%, provides a more flexible floor for TV series (€15,000-€30,000 per episode), a new minimum for digital games (€30,000), and includes short films with a minimum of €60,000. Furthermore, the Greek cash rebate can now serve as collateral for producers to obtain funds through the Greek banking system.
With the implementation of Law 4172/2013-71E and Joint Ministerial Decision 1007/09-01-2019, it now manages the tax relief program, which provides a tax exemption of 30% for investments in domestic productions (through same procedure as for the cash rebate). The programme can be used in combination with the cash rebate, reaching up to 50% of the total production cost of a project.
Getting started
Αpplications may be submitted for international and domestic productions and/or co-productions that choose Greece as the location for main photography, production, and/or post-production.
A smooth and timely procedure
Applications are submitted to EKOME all year long, no later than 10 days before the beginning of production and/or post-production, via an electronic system guaranteeing smooth, fast, and transparent processing.
And... it's a wrap!
The subsidy is payable after the completion of production or/and post-production and the audit process, provided all prerequisites of Law 4487/2017 are met.